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PREDA Newsletter

Alle "Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen" ab dem 12.05.2021 finden Sie auf der Internetseite der PREDA Foundation: Fr. Shays Article oder auf Facebook.

08.05.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Journalists and the Truth under Threat

04.05.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Scourge of Covid-19 and Malaria Rages On

16.04.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Bill raising age of consent must be passed soon

19.04.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Restore The Earth so We Can Live

10.04.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -The Throwaway Rejected Street Children

18.02.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -Good Government Can Protect Children from Abuse

17.02.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -The Good Judges that Give Justice to Abused Children

14.01.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -Can President Duterte Make the ISPs Obey the Law?

07.01.2021 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -Discovering Human Dignity

19.12.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -Christmas Newsletter for 2020

10.12.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -The Road to Extinction

04.12.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -The Empowerment of Women

26.11.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -The Rape of Innocence

19.11.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, -Human Trafficking: A Scourge on Humanity

16.11.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Speech to the Ministers of the Council of Europe

06.11.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Some Very Uncomfortable Truths

23.10.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Are Philippine ISPs Enabling Child Sexual Abuse Online?

15.10.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - International Day of the Girl

02.10.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Explosion of Child Abuse Online

24.09.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Corruption and Spread of Covid-19

18.09.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Law Making 16 the Age of Consent Must be Passed

10.09.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Why the ISPs Don’t Save Children from Online Abuse

04.09.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Power of Global Advocacy

28.08.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Greenland is melting, Islands have disappeared. 

20.08.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - We All Must Change to Defeat Covid-19

13.08.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Corporations and the Sex Slavery of Children

06.08.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - How We Can Undo Injustice and Help Indigenous Communities

31.07.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Arms Trade is Killing Thousands of Women and Children

24.07.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Human Trafficking is a Global Challenge

17.07.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Just Judges Implement the Law for Abused Children

10.07.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen,- Drug Corporations Rule the World - Almost

02.07.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen,- History is Made as Social Issues Challenge Politics

27.06.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen,- US and China Spar over the Philippines

18.06.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - When the Light Shines Again

16.06.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Are PLDT and Globe Enabling the Transmission of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children?

26.05.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Child Abuse over the Internet

26.05.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Three Great Catastrophes Facing Mankind

15.05.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Without a Mother’s Love

07.04.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - We All Want to Live

26.03.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Challenges of the Coronavirus

19.03.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Good and Bad Side-Effects of Coronavirus

12.03.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Invisible Enemy: An Unseen Virus and Sexual Abuse

26.02.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Doing Good for the “Wild Bunch”

06.02.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Human Slavery, Trafficked into Bondage

30.01.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Buying Preda Dried Mangos Can Save and Heal Abused Children

09.01.2020 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Enforced Culture of Fear and Silence

03.01.2012 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Greater Value of Fair Trade Preda Mangos

12.12.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Defenders of Human Rights

29.11.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Human Trafficking, the Most Evil Enslavement

26.11.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Defender Said, "Convert the  US Military Bases"

20.11.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Saving of Juan for a Life of Dignity

30.10.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Safe Legal Age of Consent, Eighteen for Youth

16.10.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Once More for the Children in Prison

09.10.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Every Trader Can be Just and Fair

30.08.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - In Praise of PREDA Fair Trade Dried Mangoes

20.08.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Attempted Abduction of Jemma

17.07.2019 Reflections by Francis B. Bermido Jr., - Defending the Defenders of Children's Rights

12.06.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Organic Mangoes of the Aeta People

04.06.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Drug Corporations that Kill

23.05.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Curse of Sex Tourism Part 2

22.05.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Curse of Sex Tourism Part 1

13.05.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Future of the Natural World

08.05.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Why the Climate is Changing

02.05.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Selling Children to the Sex Trade

24.04.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Evil Web of Human Trafficking

21.03.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Will Senators Vote to Send Children to Jail?

14.03.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Culture of Fear and Silence

14.02.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The End of the Earth as We Know It

01.02.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Vote that Can Save the Children

25.01.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen,-  Children are Treated as Criminals

17.01.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Warming of the Planet

10.01.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Children Victims of a Globalized World Economy

04.01.2019 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Challenge to Protect Children in 2019

17.12.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Convictions Bring Justice for Abused Children

10.12.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Born to Change the World

01.12.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Ending Violence against Women and Girls

26.11.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Institutional Church Must Answer for Child Abuse

16.11.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Online Grooming and Abuse of Children

13.11.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Care that Children Need

02.11.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - All life is Sacred

17.10.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Man Who Said "You Shall not Kill"

07.09.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - When Children are Set Free

22.06.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Children Abused in Detention

14.06.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Migrants that seek a welcome

06.06.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Those Fighting and Dying for Filipino Freedoms

04.05.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Church Leaders Condemn Killing of Young Priest

26.04.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Deport the Sex Tourists, Not the Missionaries

12.04.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Police Win against Online Child Abusers

05.04.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Planet is our Home

29.03.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Resurrection of Jessica

19.03.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Profile of a Dictator

02.03.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Pain of Abuse is Always with Us

23.02.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Opposing Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

16.02.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Jailing the Child Abusers

25.01.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - A Big Victory for Exploited Children

18.01.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Journalists risk death for the truth

04.01.2018 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The Voice of Women Say, "Time's Up!"

15.12.2017 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Christmas is a Time of Hope

29.11.2017 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Mass Murderer Convicted at the ICC

22.11.2017 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Human Traffickers Supply Children to the Sex Business

17.11.2017 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Martin Buber Plaque Award is for the Children

6.10.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The success of Fair Trade and Organic Mangos

31.03.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Fair Trade and German Generosity 

22.03.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Resurrection for Abused Children 

11.03.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - The March for Children’s and Women’s Rights 

9.03.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - Family and societal pressures that create a permanent underclass 

4.03.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - About help for trafficked and abused children

19.02.2016 Reflections by Fr. Shay Cullen, - On Being Fully Human